Sunday, January 29, 2012

Warm run in Phoenix

I am in Phoenix AZ for a conference. I came a day early for a workshop on environmental permitting.  But I got here early enough for a 5.8 mile run.  The hotel gave me a suggested running route, pretty flat, with about 1/2 mile in a park. I was glad for the park because I took advantage of the water.  I did not push myself today. I was trying to stay on the course and just enjoyed the 70 degree weather.  My average pace was 10:43.

I'm trying to improve my form by getting my feet more out in front of me.  This is based on some advice of my chiropractor who took a video of me running in the gym.  I do and don't recommend this.  The good:  you can improve if you get someone to analyze your stride frame by frame. The bad: It was embarrassing how bad I looked in slow motion.  I thought I was doing Chi running but I need to focus on form more.  The chiropractor also mentioned pose, but since I was familiar with Chi he used that.

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