Monday, March 21, 2011

What a Superb Day!

Ran/ Walked for 4.5 miles. Started out slow and tapered off! Actually, I ran pretty decent the last mile. Got down into the mid eight minute range the last half mile. Don't think I could hold it for a full mile, but I will in time. Really, really need to try to get my run or biking done in the AM! I have every intention of running later in the day, but seem to get busy and can't work it in. I also need to start maintaining some consistency from day to day. I can't keep this running one day and not do anything for the next three or four days. I'll get it done!....Mike

1 comment:

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...

Hang in there! Your last mile was very impressive. I had a horrible 4 mile run last night. 11:00s with no energy on the way out, then 3 walk breaks on the way back in when I just didn't feel like running anymore. My issue is that last week's 22 miles was a big lift from 2 previous off weeks and so I'm lethlargic (sp?). My goal is to continue running this week for a goal of a 25 mile week and push through it! -- Bill