Saturday, November 12, 2011

Foot update

For starters, and for the record, I envy anyone who was able to get out and run today. You rock!

My session at the gym today was an hour on the eliptical trainer and 65 min. on another machine that is kind of a cross between an eliptical and a treadmill. The second machine fairly closely simulated running, but without the pounding of the treadmill or ground. I would liken it somewhat to running in water. I got my heart rate up to 142 once - accidentally - but kept it around 130 most of the time after a long warmup. Since I was inside I also was able to enjoy two hours of "Boom," a book about the impact of the '60s by Tom Brokaw.

The foot itself weathered the workout just fine, and I could have gone another 30-60 min. Maybe I should have. But at this point I don't want to overdo anything, I just want to heal.
According to the machines, the entire workout burned 1,444 calories and was the equivalent of about 11 miles of running.

I saw the podiatrist Friday, and she diagnosed a ligament strain. She said the intense pain I had on my last run was probably due to nerve damage.  She's confident there's no stress fracture.

After hearing that I had a marathon in less than four weeks she prescribed a topical nsaid anti-inflammatory, physical therapy featuring ultrasound, the use of an Ace wrap around my foot, and ice therapy. "You don't have much time, so let's do it all," she said. She also told me I could run right now if I took it easy. This is the same doctor who got me through my first marathon in 2005 when I had a bone spur problem that made it hard to even walk, much less run. I have a lot of faith in her.

My first session of physical therapy is Monday, and I plan to schedule as many as I can as quickly as I can. The doctor said I should begin to see improvement by the third session, and she didn't think I'd need more than 6 sessions.

So that's it. I didn't run today and don't anticipate running until I can walk without pain, and I anticipate that happening within the next two or three days, and certainly no later than Thanksgiving Day, when granddaughter Angela and I will run a 5k.-- Rob


Mike said...

Okay, the downside is you have an injury. The upside, if there is one, is you will be able to run Dallas! The iffy part is how fast. I'm sure, at this point, you are not all that concerned with you finish time.

We are three weeks away! Plenty of time to heal.

Bill said...

Rob -- Rock n Roll! Way to find great alternative workouts that don't involve the evil treadmill machine. Well done on jumping your injury and staying after the healing process! --Bill