Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another Setback? I Hope Not!

I was in the third mile, 2.69 to be exact, when I tripped and went to the ground so fast I
couldn't protect myself in time. I landed on my chest with my right arm extended in front of me. I pulled something in my shoulder and heard something pop in my chest (sternum). Might have separated a rib or something like that. Chest is really sore and it hurts to take a deep breath. Always something, right? I was crusing along at a 9:15 pace and feeling pretty good about myself when BAM, I'm on the ground. I was going to try to jog/walk back home, but decided against it and had Chris pick me up. Pretty crappy mood right now.........Mike

1 comment:

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...


Just caught up with this now and called Chris to check in. She says you're feeling sore but better. Take it easy, man! We need you back running! -- Bill