Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rest over

I waited a whole week, and then I felt like I just had to get out there and run again. Went down to English Landing Park for its level, soft surface, and did an easy 5.1. I was stiffer and less recovered than what I expected, but I kept the pace very easy and didn't try to do anything other than work out the kinks. I think I'll keep the runs to about 3 a week for a while, and no more than 15 or 20 miles a week. I want to stay in shape, especially over the holidays, but I don't want to overdo it.
Today's run took 48:37, for an average of 9:32. -- Rob


Unknown said...

Sounds like a good plan.
Keep at it and it's OK to skip a day or two if you need to.

Mike said...

Happy to see someone out there after Dallas. I'm still in recovery mode, but plan to hit the bricks in a few days.

How is your foot holding up? I'd hate to see you come back too soon and pay for it. That foot may take longer to really heel, sorry, heal.

Mike said...

Happy to see someone out there after Dallas. I'm still in recovery mode, but plan to hit the bricks in a few days.

How is your foot holding up? I'd hate to see you come back too soon and pay for it. That foot may take longer to really heel, sorry, heal.