Friday, October 7, 2011

Back to encouraging signs!

After my bike ride yesterday, I thought my knee would be acting up. I didn't have any pain after the ride, or this morning, so I thought I might give the running another try. With a 3 mile goal in mind, I walked the first half mile and went into a slog J-word for the last half of that mile. I felt okay so picked it up to what I felt was comfortable without pushing it. I finished the final 2.5 miles at exactly a 11:01 mile pace. No pain, no concerns! Who the hell knows what the next run will bring?

Is Dallas out of the question now, or will I be able to get enough runs in, including at least one long 18-20 miler before declaring myself capable of finishing? Who knows, but I'm still trying..........Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...

Mike -- 2 thoughts:

1. Bicycling is your route back to running.

2. Moderation is your ticket to staying there.

Great news on today's run!
