Sunday, February 28, 2010

Perfect day for a short run

It was so darn nice out, and I got a little motivated watching the Olympic 50k cross country race, so I went out for a few of my own. I was just going to plod, but my splits turned out to be 10, 9:17, 9:03 and 9 (plus an 8:33 pace for the final .12). Felt good to be outside, though it was a little tougher climbing the hills to get out of the neighborhood than it is starting out on a treadmill. -- Rob

Saturday, February 27, 2010

No effort expended

Bright, sunny day, clear streets, mile temperature. I still just threw my gear into the car and headed for the gym. Too lazy to even get dressed for 25 degrees. I was only going 7, so it wasn't so bad. I went over my goal of 112 for the month (120), and now I'm just 2 miles short of my 4-miles-a-day goal for the year.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Back in the gym

Went back to the gym again tonight for 6 miles, averaging 9:15. Can't wait for the weather to moderate - and some daylight - so I can run outside. -- Rob

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Strong Minded!

I used visualization for my motivation,
and pictured myself running lap after lap.
But when knowing it's colder,
and I'm getting older,
I think I'll just opt for a nap!

In the dark

Got up early today to get my run in. Too much to do tonight. I haven't gotten up early to work out in months, but I didn't find it hard to get out of bed at 5 a.m. My run seemed easy to get into, and I was very comfortable from the start. I began at a 9:50 pace and gradually increased the speed to 9:05, which I maintained for 3 miles or so. I ended up with 5.69 miles in 53 min., or 9:19 pace overall. My pastor was right next to me on a treadmill, but I confessed nothing. He did agree to pray for you guys, though. -- Rob

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Even more "culture"

Took a break from running tonight
to pump iron to fantastic height.
But the pounds were embarrassingly low
and I didn't make much of a show
So next time I'll stay out of sight.
-- Rob

Sticking to my guns!

Another day of ice and snow,
so Mikie chooses not to go.
Can't wait until the weather gets warmer,
so I can be a better performer.

Monday, February 22, 2010

4 miles a day

This is going to be a lower mileage week for me, as my goal for February is 112 miles and I just need 12 more miles to get there. I don't know if I can do it, but I hope to average 4 miles a day for the whole year, so that's 120 to 124 miles a month. I figure if I'm ahead of schedule on miles I can usually ease off during the last week of each month.

Anyway, I did 4.3 tonight in quarter-mile intervals (9:30 / 8:57). RP

Another lazy day!

Just couldn't get with it today! Meant to get 3-4 miles in but just got busy. That's really no excuse but it was icy, slushy and slick. Just not in any real hurry yet, spring is almost here and there will be good running days ahead, followed by hot ones, of course. md

February 2010 Monthly Run and Dinner

Wow! No only did we behave ourselves at Govenor Stumpy's for dinner (I was afraid that with one more incident, they might kick us out...), but we actually got in a 4 mile run despite having only 2 of us in shape! Mike "the elder" DeGhelder and me are just re-starting our running programs after taking too much time off to comment on, and gaining a collective 50+ lbs. Now with this blog and all, it's official: we WILL lose the pounds, get our running programs back on track, and continue to puzzle restaurant owners everywhere with our post-runs comradeship. Thanks to Rob for setting up this blog! Here's to running, dining, and sharing life together! -- Bill McClave

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend runs

I went out Saturday to run 10, halfway through decided I'd really love to be able to say I did 13, conceded that I could happily settle for 12, got tired and retreated to 10, but eventually did 11. The math was obviously killing me.
Really, I don't know what the problem was. With the pace I was keeping, I should have been able to do that 13 without a problem, but I never had much energy in my legs. Should have eaten something before going out, I guess.
Today I went to the gym and did an easy 3 on the treadmill. RP

Delayed again!

Well, guys, my intentions were to rest Friday after our four miler on Thursday, run 4-6 on Saturday with the same on Sunday. However, I ended up working on Saturday and thought maybe, since I'm just restarting my training, that it would be okay to rest two days. Well, now it looks like it's going to be three days since it's icey and snowy outside!

I know, I know, if I was a REAL runner I'd put on my Yak-trax and give it a go. Well, I thought about that long and hard for about 5 seconds and decided to wait until tomorrow. However, I may change my mind this afternoon and give it a shot anyway. We'll see.

Who's turn is it for March?