Saturday, July 7, 2012

ClockTower Ride Post #2

See Mitchell's post below for details on the most excellent ClockTower ride I joined him on this morning.  I found the ride to be everything he had said it would be: good group of folks that ride together -- they wait at intersections for stragglers and drop no one -- and an wonderfully fun course to ride.  We rode through the suburbs from 78th street to Holiday Drive, and were on totally deserted streets the whole way.  I have to say that riding 29 miles in a group of 10 riders -- and they usually average much bigger groups than that -- was a LOT of fun.  Way easier way to clock miles than the Freedom Ride the week before.  The ride's signature is that they stop for breakfast, which was fun, and we end at the OP farmer's market which is fun to buy fresh fruit after the ride to eat.  The market also features live music in the summer.  This morning, it was 15-20 people playing ukelele's and singing folk songs.  Peace, brother.  I will be back to this ride again in the future, probably on my short run weekends!  I'll close with 2 pictures from the farmer's market.  -- Bill

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