Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck, followed by Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

I second Mike's nomination of yesterday as a horrible running day! Went out yesterday at 7 pm on the very flat and shaded Indian Creek trail for a planned 7. 2 miler. Immediately had a tight chest and shallow breathing which did get better, but by the end of mile one I was walk/running. By the end of mile 2, I was walking more than running, and I literally ended up walking from mile 2-3 to the end of what became a shortened 5.4 mile course. The outing did nothing for my legs felt dead and within 60 seconds of jogging, I was beginning to feel dizzy in the heat and humidity. Talk about feeling old!

So today, my original plan was to run an indoor treadmill 4 mile workout, but when I stepped out at noon it was overcast and mid-70's. So I went back to Indian Creek and successfully ran the 7.2 mile loop I was hoping for yesterday. Walked 3 times for 1-minute during the run for an average 11:06 pace, with the return leg at 10:43's. Importantly, I actually felt like I was running again!

I will need to chastize myself for my 2-hour lunch hour today in my annual performance review...but it was worth it! -- Bill

1 comment:

Mike said...

Running in the heat and humidity sucks!!!