Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nice evening for a run

When I got up this morning I immediately regretted sleeping in because the temperature was a cool 62. It would have be an absolutely perfect morning for a run.

I was lucky, though, because the humidity stayed low during the day and the temperature never got too high. I waited until 7 p.m. to go out, and by then it was a pleasant and relatively dry 81.

As usual, I walked for a while before I started out, and then I went faster than I should have. I really never felt comfortable the whole way, and that's because I failed to ease into the workout. It was only going to be 4 miles, though, so it didn't matter all that much.

I used the Line Creek trail and averaged 8:59 for 4.28 miles. I was going to quit right there, but since I was still a little over a mile from home I recorded the run, walked a couple minutes, then started over. The last mile felt the best of any of them even though most of it was up hill. I did it in 9:10, making my overall pace for the workout 9:01.

Since this is a low mileage week, I've only recorded 9.6 miles all week so far. Seems like hardly anything, but I guess it's good for overall muscle recovery. My long run this weekend will be 10-12 miles. -- Rob

1 comment:

Bill said...

Rob -- I've been following your lead on starting slowly and I really think it makes a difference. This was a very good run -- evening runs in 81 degrees is cool only by our recent standards. It's still hot out there!

-- Bill