Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another Re-start to the Re-Start!

After visiting the doctor Tuesday for a re-evaluation on this knee, we both agreed that just trying an injection of Cortizone would be the best approach at this time.

Monday was the worst day of swelling and pain, but Tuesday morning I felt just fine! The swelling was down and I was walking without limping for the first time since Christmas Eve, hence, the decision to just go with the Cortizone.

I have not had an issue, other than some slight stiffness due to non-use, since visiting the doc on Tuesday, so I decided today was the day to loosen up and get outside. Besides, the weather was nice and I needed to keep from going any more crazy than I am!

I walked my dog Teddy for three miles, but took it pretty easy. I was tempted to step up the the J-word a few times, but kept myself in check.

So far, so good!...........Mike

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