Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Steve Blum's Boston Run

I have a business friend from Boston named Steve Blum who is a few years younger than me.  OK, probably 10 years younger than me.  Anyway, he started running 10+ years ago and has completed a few marathons.  This year, he signed up as a Dana Farger Cancer hospital fundraiser and ran yesterday's Boston.  Here is his account -- very inspirational!  Enjoy!  -- Bill

Hello all,

I want to share my incredible weekend’s experience culminating in today’s VERY warm Boston Marathon.  Let me start with the Pasta Party that my teammates insisted I attend Sunday night. 

In entering Dana Farber’s area of the Marriott Copley Place, we were welcomed by the photographs of the children that are patient partners to runners participating in the DFMC.  Yes, each of the patient partners is going through treatment at Dana Farber for some form of cancer.  It was so moving to see their faces looking back at me, as I walked through the hall.  They refer to the Pasta Party as a party rather than a dinner as several speakers present the incredible work being done by Dana Farber.  With that said, the evening was not a complete joy, as patient partners, that have passed away in the years of the program, were remembered, their photographs put up on a large screen, for all participants to understand the importance of the program.

Toward the end of the presentations, the status  of the overall fundraising was revealed.  As a group, the DFMC runners have raised over $3.5 Million on our way to meeting the goal of $4.8 Million.  I want to thank my many donors as you all have had a part in a $3.5 Million+ effort!

As for today, race time for the elite runners began at 10AM, but my group started at 10:50PM.  I think we gained 6 degrees in that time as temps soared to around 80 degrees at the start.  By the time I made it to the 10 mile point, temps were around 90 degrees and climbed from there.  My daughter Hannah told me that she saw 94 degrees on the car thermometer!  Well, my first 6 miles went ok, but my body temperature climbed with the outside temperature and I trudged through the final 20 miles.    The good news is that I made it to the finish line and was lucky enough to cross the finish line with both my kids, Hannah on one side and David on the other.  My time of over 5 hours wasn’t thrilling for me, but I am glad that I wasn’t one of the many, many runners pulled over on the side of the road , receiving oxygen, passed out, or worse.  The news reports stated that many, many people ended up in the hospital and one local hospital’s emergency room stopped taking new patients!

Again, to the many of you that have made a donation to Dana Farber to support my run to conquer Cancer, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I also want to let others know that they are not too late.  My link http://www.runDFMC.org/2012/steveb  still works and your donations are a big part of bringing the total to $4.8Million.  Every dollar counts and I am so appreciative of the fantastic support from my friends and family.  It is because of you that I did not give up at mile 6.  You inspire me and I appreciate it!

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