Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hope you got out today

I planned to get up early this morning to run, but by the time I woke up it was a bit too late to get out for 6-plus miles. I could have done it, but I didn't want to be rushed on my run or afterward getting ready for work. I kind of regretted that decision when I went out to get the paper: it was a beautiful, cool, calm day. A perfect running day. Plus, now I was kind of rolling the dice, since thunderstorms were forecast for the rest of the day. I might end up on the treadmill.

I got lucky, though. By the time I got home - later than usual - the sky was clearing, the humidity was dropping and the temperature was in the middle 70s. I went down to the river trail planning to run at least 6 miles. With no hills to climb and perfect weather, I felt really good all the way. I opened with a 9:27 mile, cut that to 9:00 in mile two, then finished fast enough to average 8:50 for 7 miles, my best for a distance like that in a very long time.

Those hot weather runs can be tough, but they help make runs like this one possible. It's a good payoff. -- Rob

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