Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In the cool of the day

I had a real good run this morning. Got up early and was on my way by 5:40 a.m. Although it was going to get into the 90s later in the day, it was still about 65 when I started out. The air felt cool and there wasn't a whisper of a breeze. Gorgeous.

After a day off, my legs felt pretty fresh, but I took it slow for the first three miles while I got loose. I'm pretty much resigned that it's always going to take that long to loosen up. That's OK, since starting slow almost always means I can finish strong. In this case, my first three miles were 10:10, 9:48 and 9:20, and my last four were 8:55, 8:42, 8:58 and 8:56. The overall average was 9:16.

I planned to run 6, but since Thursday's run promises to be in much warmer weather, I decided to go 7 today make the Thursday session shorter.

Granddaughter Angela, who has wanted to run a 5k for months, reported today she ran 2.5 miles without stopping. The impressive part is that she has to motivate herself and get out there and do it on her own, and she is. I promised her a pair of running shoes if she liked running and could stick with it, and now it appears I'm going to have to make good. I will, and gladly.  -- Rob

This is Angela, of course, from her soccer photo.

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