Friday, December 16, 2011

Another New Beginning.

After years of running, you would think I would have figured this out!

After the experience in Dallas, which, if you look at it one way, was pretty miserable, but in another way it was a positive experience in that we were able to navigate the elements and finish, therefore giving us the label of TOUGH GUYS!

The downside, after a marathon, for me anyway, has always been sort of a mental letdown. I suppose in some ways it could be labeled as a degree of depression since all the training is done, the race is over, and now I found myself sitting wondering what to do next.

All last year I was continuously motivated by the visuals of participating in the Hilly Hundred event and the Dallas White Rock Marathon. When I found myself on the back side of completing those events, I went into a kind of funk for about a week.

Here's what I did. I found a race that suited my time frame, my economic situation and my geographical preference, and I SIGNED UP!

A few days ago I discovered a marathon in North Carolina about an hour and a half from my brother, who lives in Asheville, NC. The entry fee was only $60.00. Not only that, but I made reservations at a lodge in the Blue Ridge Mountains for $130.00 per night. Now, at first I felt that was more money than I wanted to spend. However, the $130.00 per night came with two free breakfasts, two free lunches and two free dinners! Throw that in the mix and it's damn cheap! Makes the lodging around $70.00 a night.

At any rate, I'm now pretty pumped about a spring marathon and, since I'm now pretty healthy, I have 19 weeks to prepare and train.

Life is good!


1 comment:

Bill said...

I think you and Chris will have a great trip, and I'm excited for you that you'll be able to visit your brother! Great job picking another target to shoot for! -- Bill