Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Present vs. My Future Self

I received an interesting link this morning to this short 16 minute talk on .  It addresses the topic of why and how we struggle with self control/delayed gratification in sticking to present self disciplines (like running) that will produce better future self outcomes.  For me, the question of 2011 was -- and will continue to be post my 2012 return to running after my hernia surgery -- how do I want to live out the balance of my an athlete or not?  I choose as an athlete, but it takes daily commitment and discipline.

While the end of the talk goes into new tools to visualize future self outcomes, the introductory comments on the use of "commitment devices" reminded me of why I love our running blog, our monthly runs and dinners, our races together, our organized bike rides, and the occasional boys club big race road trip.  All are commitment devices that allow us to share something that we love in our current lives while building better future lives for ourselves and our loved ones.

Enjoy the talk -- here's the link.  And thank you for your continual encouragement!:

1 comment:

Mike said...


This stuff is waaaay over my head!
I run for the present day and I'm not worried about my self diclipine since I don't have any. Well, maybe it shows up from time to time when I start putting on weight.

Bad news regarding the New River Marathon. My brother just informed me that he had to go to New York that week to begin his new show.