Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Finishing out the year

I've been running a little bit here and there, a little longer and a little faster as my lingering aches and pains have faded. Today I did 6.1 miles on the trail at English Landing Park, bringing my total for the week so far to 11.8 for the week. I think I might end up with a total of 20 miles this week, twice as much as last week. I've run 6 times since a week after the marathon for a total of 30.3 miles. I'll probably end the year about 25 miles shy of 1,200 miles, but that's not bad considering all the time I had to sit out for my bike accident in April and my torn ligament in November.

My main problem is a variety of aches in and around my feet. My Achilles tendons have both been a little tender since the marathon. They weren't tender before, during or for several days after the race, but as soon as I started running again, they were tender. I finally broke out my new stretching gizmo, called the Pro Stretch Plus. I used it for 3 or 4 days, and all the pain went away. I haven't used it for two or three days now, and today the pain started to return, so I think I'll go back to it for a while longer. It obviously works.
Other than  my Achilles, I've had some minor aches in my left foot a couple of times. Today, for one (but not yesterday). I don't know why that is, but I will keep my pace and mileage down until this all goes away.
Regardless, the weather has been very good and I've been off work, so getting out has been great. Next week it will get harder to get out, since I'll be back to work during the daylight hours and will have to run at night.  -- Rob

1 comment:

Bill said...

Rob -- keep us posted on the stretcher it works, what it does differently vs. traditional stretches, and the results you see. Sounds promising!

Also -- well done on your 1,200 mile year! That is an amazing accomplishment given the time you had off for accidents, injuries, and hospital stay!!! WEll DONE!
