Monday, December 19, 2011

Something's got to Change!

Well, now I've logged my last 31.2 miles in forty degree weather with rain. Getting pretty sick of it too. I suppose there could be 8" of snow on the ground and in the twenties, so I guess there's an upside to it. Still, I would like to get some miles in without the rain. The forties are fine, but forties and rain?

Logged and easy 5 miler today averaging just barely over an 11:00 mile pace. I walked a minute after each mile just to make sure I didn't strain or pull something. I did find myself running in the eights a couple of times, but was wise enough to slow it down.

Today began a four month training program for the New River Marathon in North Carolina on May 5th. Really excited about this race for multiple reasons. The Blue Ridge Mountains are going to be beautiful, the race is small and intimate, the weather should be super, the expenses will be very affordable and I'll get to see my brother who lives and hour an a half from the race site.

I hope to see you all on Jan. 2nd for our next MRC. Wishing you all the best for the new year!...........Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...

Good luck with your return to running, Mike! Hope your knee recovers quickly today. --Bill