Monday, May 3, 2010

Sorta long

After a day off on Saturday I decided to run a semi-long distance on Sunday. That turned out to be 10 miles, which I felt good for, but not great. I was happy to do something longer than my usual 5 - 7 miles, and just as happy to be done with it.
I finished the month of April with 142 miles, and opened May with 10. Today I did 6 easy miles, so I'm up to 16 for the week. I want to get 30 miles in before Saturday, when we head to the Grand Canyon area for a week. I hope to do a couple short runs during the vacation week, but mostly plan to rest the legs. After that, I need to get out for a couple 13 or 14 mile runs to get used to the distance before Hospital Hill. -- Rob

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