Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weather's good, so let's run

Another cool day, so instead of resting after yesterday's 8 miles, I decided to take advantage of the good conditions and run for the second day in a row. I like running on Sunday because it gets my mileage off to a good start early in the week. Plus, Saturday's run was not a tough one at all, and I felt pretty fresh.

So with the good weather, and legs that were ready to go, I took off thinking "more than 5." I guess I wasn't convinced I really wanted to go for a run, because right away I wished I was sitting on the porch reading a book. That's what pleasant Sunday afternoons are for, isn't it? A half mile down the road that thought was gone, though, and I settled in.

My first mile was 9:45 and the second 9:34. By then most of the big hills were past me, and the splits improved. Mile 3 was 9:14, then 9:03, 8:51 and 8:57. After that I reset my watch and ran .8 mile at a cool-down pace. Total mileage was 6.85. Even though it was relatively cool (67), I was pretty heated up when I got home. A nice bowl of ice cold watermelon helped with that.

I think I'll go get that book now. -- Rob

1 comment:

Mike said...

Saturdays's run may not have been tough for you, but it was plenty tough for me! However, I could have run another couple of miles between a 9:00 and 10:00 pace. Going to call the doctor tomorrow and have this knee checked out. I'm starting to have a similar situation with the right knee. Ain't that just swell?