Monday, June 20, 2011

Lots of Walking.

After Friday's 20 mile bike ride and 8 mile run with Rob on Saturday, I knew Sunday would be a rest day. However, after walking 4-5 miles on the rocky trails at H. Roe Bartle Boy Scout Camp in Osceola I felt that should count as some sort of recovery work out and eligible for a blog entry. My grandson, Brandon, was in the 8th day of a ten day camp out at Bartle and Sunday was visitor's day for the family. The highlight of the day, besides the pot luck buffet, was the Warrior Dance put on by the Scouts. They did the dance of joy which ended in screaming and yelling by the warriors. Mindy, my daughter, who's a scout leader, warned my about the screaming so I was prepared. However, the girls sitting behind me were not forewarned and it scared the heebie jeebies out of them! Funny stuff. At any rate, after walking from camp to camp and activity to activity, plus walking down to the point where you can look out over Truman Lake and back, I figure I walked somewhere between 4-5 miles during the visit. After his dance, Brandon had a one hour guard duty where he was to prevent spectators from visiting areas that were, at the time, off limits. He was not allowed to speak unless it was an emergency. It was pretty comical seeing Brandon be silent for an hour. All in all, a very fun family day.........Mike

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