Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Perspective on Saturday's Run.

Although Rob has already blogged our experience with the rain, wind, lightning, chill factors, unlit outhouses and the ones that gots lights, I wanted to add my perspective from a purely personal experience. Yesterday was the longest run I've completed since March 15, 2009 which was the Little Rock Half. I had entered and completed a few 5ks, but any serious training had been hampered by various physical concerns and, I'll admit, some apathy, probably due to just getting tired of fighting hip problems, knee problems, along with the obvious weight gain. I had just lost interest in any kind of training routine or commitment to stay in or get into shape. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I would probably never run another marathon or even a half-marathon. Then the Hilly Hundred conversation began, along with a commitment to enter with Rob and Sean Joyce (A Brother Knight of Columbus), and subsequently, Mitchell Krasnopoler our newest MRC member. Upon committing to the HH, I began some running, along with some cycling, with the intentions of just getting in good enough shape to complete the two day 100 mile bike tour in Indiana. Then the Dallas White Rock interest entered the pictured. I don't know who started this conversation (I believe it was Bill), but I began to wonder if I could pull off another marathon. There was only one way to find out! After running several, slow 3 to 6 milers, and only two 8 milers, while fighting a knee problem, I was extremely apprehensive about jumping up to yesterday's ten miler with Rob. Although the knee hasn't been an issue for two weeks now, I non-the-less was pretty worried about making it through the work out. After making it though all the physical and mental challenges of running through a thunder storm, with lightning, I was extremely pleased with the completion and pace of the run. I seriously doubt that I would have adhered to that pace if it hadn't been for Rob's company! Thanks again, Rob! The whole point to this personal perspective is that I now have confidence that I can make it though "The Rock!" The finish time is not all that important presently, but I'll address that around the middle of November.....Mike

1 comment:

Rob said...

You still gots that fire in you, Mike. Way to hang in there.