Monday, June 20, 2011

Still Plugging Away!

I wasn't real sure as to what to do today with regards to training after Friday's 20 mile bike ride, Saturday's 8 miler and the almost all day walking on Sunday. That Sunday walk incorporated walking over uneven trails with rock, ruts, tree roots and logs. My knee was being twisted north, east, south and west! Hard to believe it didn't scream at me! Today, I decided not to take the easy 3-4 mile run that I usually do, early in the week, and jump up to beginning the week with a 6 miler. I walked exactly .33 of the first mile and then began a very slow jog. I purposely took that approach in order to warm up slowly and not take a chance on the knee, since I felt I put it through quite a bit of testing in the last three days. This is obviously evidenced by the 15:12 first mile. I stuck to walking a bit after each mile and hitting the Gatorade. Miles 2-6 were as follows: 12:38, 12:24, 10:24, 10:30 and 10:20. It was pretty hot and humid during my run, but I was just more than pleased that the knee wasn't an issue for four days in a row now.
The knee is an enigma at this time and I'm supposed to go in for an MRI this week. I'm just wondering if I have got past it being a problem at this point, since I've pretty much put it through the ringer the last four days.........Hmmmm, what to do, what to do? I wouldn't mind knowing what the problem is, if it's still there. On the other hand, I don't want to pay for an MRI if it shows nothing!..............Mike

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