Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Slowest Seven Miles Ever!

Since I started later than I wanted to, I decided it best to just take it really easy and not stress the ole Bod any more that necessary. I walked, exactly, the first half of mile one and the last half of mile seven by design. I wanted to run six miles so I thought it best to begin and end the run with a good walk. Splits reflect how slow my run was, but remember it was pretty warm out there. Splits as follows: 14:30, 11:08, 11:31, 11:24, 11:04, 10:44, and 15:16. I was frying that last mile!! At about the mile and a half mark, I ran into a cyclist headed to Los Angeles. He was looking at his Gamin and had those huge saddle bags over his back wheels, so I knew he was on a trip of some sort. He evidently started in Maine and was in the KC area when he had an emergency call from home. He flew back home to take care of whatever the emergency was and was resuming his ride to meet up with his college buddies in Oswego, KS. Sound familiar, Bill? He had already blown two tires and was down to his last two tubes. He said there was enough cycling stores on the trip to take care of any of their needs. I think a 100 mile bike ride over two days will do me just fine!............Mike

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