Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good News On My Groin Injury

BOY!  With a title like that, I'll bet you're just dying to read all the details...

Background is that my left groin area has been sore for quite awhile now, and getter more and more sore as my training mileage increased.  Pace miles have left me sore for the rest of the day.  The ache is very similar to the hernia pain I had back in 2005, only on the other side, which had me worried.  But I've had no hernia bulges.

Long story short is that I took a 2 hour nap Sunday afternoon on our living room couch which is L shaped and puts my legs in a different position than I normally sleep, and when I woke up all pain was gone!  I've been focused since then on where I put my legs at night (no comments please...) and this week I'm seeing huge improvement.  Yeah!

Ran a 6 mile treadmill workout Monday that included 3 pace miles at 10:00's, then traveled yesterday.  Hoping for either intervals or a pace run today. --Bill


Mike said...

Terrific news, Bill! Rob's foot is getting better each day as well and I'm past my right knee problem. Looks like the three of us are healing up just in time for Dallas although I doubt we can be in good enough shape to have the Kenyans worried!

Mike said...

Correction. I'm past my LEFT knee problem.