Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Last Goal Pace Run Before "Big D"

Okay, so I stated that I would probably just get in an eight miler without the goal pace miles since I was supposed to do that four mile recover run last night. However, since this is my last run that would require an effort, I decided to go ahead with the 1-6-1.

I began with a third mile walk before I started to pick it up a little, then walked 30-40 seconds at the beginning of each subsequent mile. Finished that first mile in 13:48 then 10:02, 9:24, 10:03, 9:14, 9:30, and the last goal pace mile was 8:39. The eighth mile (cool down) began with a slow pace run, but I soon looked down and saw I was keeping a pace of 9:15-9:20. At that point, I decided to just walk the rest of the 3/4 mile back to the house and call it good.

Now, my goal pace is supposed to be 10:00, but I figure that 10:00 pace will be easier to hold on to for an extended period if I run at a 9:00 to 9:30 pace now. Either way, it's still going to be a crap shoot in Dallas, but I'm going to go out on the proverbial limb and state that I'm pretty sure, at this point, that I can run under 4:30! Doesn't matter anyway!...........Mike

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