Saturday, November 19, 2011

Working Agains the Wind!

Not knowing if he could, or would, I invited Rob to go with me to Smithville to run the trails. He said he thought he could make it if we didn't push it, so we headed north at 8:00 this morning.

We began our run, slowly, and I immediately found myself running with a handicap! All the bathrooms were locked!!! We began our run, but I knew I would have to hit a tree line for cover somewhere.

To complicate things we ran past the sign that informed us that a "Controlled Hunt" was in progress, but we pressed onward. I think we only heard one gun shot, or maybe two, but that was too many so we turned around and figured out a different route. I was willing to chance it and run the route we planned, but since Rob was wearing his favorite Christmas hat, you know, the one that looks like rain deer antlers, we headed back to the car.

Rob's foot seemed to be a problem the entire run, but he toughed it out and we got in the ten miler.Splits as follows: 11:40, 10:40, 10:04, 10:06, 9:50, 12:52 (we walked part of this one), 10:46, 11:19, 10:08, 8:54.

We had a stiff cross wind going out, but coming back was pretty tough. We were running right into what seemed like a nor'easter at times, especially the last two miles. A few times, it seemed like it stopped us cold in our tracks.

Oh yeah, I know you're wondering, and YES, I finally found one of the out houses unlocked. I also found another one unlocked and used the marina bathroom as well. As we walked from the marina I noticed that there were three, yes, three different bathrooms triangulated around us. I was truely in Mikie Heaven!!!...........Mikie

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