Saturday, November 5, 2011

Solid 14 Miler with Bill!

What a great run Bill and I had this morning! We met at Nelson Island at 8:00. Wait, make that 8:10 due to Bill being late. His being late forced me to nap for ten more minutes. Darn!

We were going to stick to Bill's schedule of a 5 mile warm up, then 6 miles at a ten minute pace, then a 3 mile cool down for our 14 mile run. That was going to work for me since I have had knee problems for the last three days and I really wasn't sure if I was going to be able to run more than a couple of miles.

Considering we walked for a little bit, 30 seconds or so, at the beginning of each mile after mile 5, we did pretty darn good. Splits as follows: 11:53, 11:00, 11:00, 10:49, 10:50, 10:29, 10:35, 10:05, 10:01, 9:56, and a solid 9:15 for mile eleven. The last three miles were supposed to be at a cool down pace, which we did for mile 12 and the first half mile of mile 13. I was feeling pretty good and Bill told me to go ahead and finish strong and he would stick to his schedule of finishing at his cool down pace.

I kind of felt like I should stick with Bill, but at the same time I wanted to push myself. Since we were closing in on the finish line, I thought it would be okay to go ahead by myself. I finished mile 13 in 10:03 and mile 14 was 8:03. I walked back to meet Bill and he was finishing strong as well.

Bill had a very solid run and stuck to his goal. Me, I'm just all over the place with no plan, no goal and a knee that comes and goes in fits and spurts! Every run now is a crap shoot! No matter, I'll get through Dallas if it takes me 6 hours............Mike

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job Mike. Especially after the unpredictable knee.