Saturday, July 16, 2011

10 mile "bagel" run in Maryland

I did a faster 10 mile run today. The weather was great 60s to start to maybe mid 70s. You guys should come to Maryland for the weekend like I do. (It's usually hot here today -- I was lucky today.)

This was the 5th day in a row that I ran. Very unusual for me but I felt great. That's 29 miles in 5 days and over 30 this week. I ran because I was away from either of my two homes and could not do a bike ride. I was at a conference, then visiting family in Pittsburgh and then today is my weekly group bagel run. Well at least I was up for all that running.

I started out a bit faster than the last few days. My average pace was 9:49. I've been running slowly when alone. So it's good to run with a group and a friend. I thought I'd slow down, but the friend I started with was just ahead and not gaining and alone. So I caught up with him and we finished together. I felt so good I even sort of sprinted up a steep hill at mile ~8.5.

Here are the details:

-- Mitchell

1 comment:

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...


Your bagel runs continue to be amazing -- well done on this one! --Bill