Saturday, July 23, 2011

Short run Fri am and bike ride Sat. in the rain

On Friday 7/22 I ran about 2.7 miles in my VFFs. That was enough without real running shoes. It's different running in those, and I do like it. But I'm not going to run too many miles in them. It was hot, but OK because it was early. Here's the data:

I skipped my usual ~10 mile bagel run this morning so I could sleep slept in a little. It was a great ride. Up and down hills, including a 1.1 mile ride up the trolley trail. It started raining on my way home. But I had brought $10, so I went into a coffee shop next to the river and sat most of it out. I started in the rain but it cleared up. I felt better biking, so maybe the little I'm doing on my bike is helping.



Bill said...

Mitchell -- nice run and bike ride! I'm jealous for the summer rain shower you hit -- sitting with a coffee during a cooling rain sounds pretty nice right now. -- Bill

Bill said...

Mitchell -- forgot to add that I followed your instructions and got my name on the web site now as an author. -- Bill