Monday, July 11, 2011

Morning miles

Rolled out of bed at 5 this morning to get my run in before work. Thought I might be able to go 5 miles outside, but the temp was still 84, and it was humid. There was also lightning in the north, the direction I would have gone. I opted for the gym, where I did 5.36 miles in 50 min. for a 9:20 pace overall. By the time I got home it was pouring rain. -- Rob


Mike said...

Went outside to get the paper at 5:15 and couldn't believe how hot and humid it was already. Glad we're not running tonight! What am I talking about? I can't run anyway!

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...

Rob -- the morning lows are just not that low right now. I'm running inside except a few targeted outside runs on the days we get cooler temps with the passing storms. -- Bill