Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tough one on a hot day

Mike, Bill and I met up at 55th and Brookside in Kansas City at 6:30 a.m. for a 10-mile run. The temp was under 70 when I got up at 5:15, but by the time we started our run it was 75 and climbing rapidly.

We ran together for the first 3 miles, then kind of spread out with each of us seeking our own pace and distance. By about 72nd street I was on my own running in the shade on Ward Parkway against a gentle breeze and flat to downhill. I had two pretty fast miles (under 9). It was nice, but I was concerned such a pace would leave me gasping well short of the finish line. I slowed the pace considerably, and it was a good thing I did.

When I turned off Ward and headed east with about 2.5 miles left, I lost most of my shade and breeze, and when I turned north on the trail it was all gone. The sun was up pretty high by then, too, and it was hot. The last two miles sounded like a long way, so I cut the pace some more, drank the water I had, and reminded myself that two miles was only 20-22 min. of running, and that I could always do that. Good thing it was only a couple miles, because I really had to force myself to keep going in the last half mile.

The final total was 10.65 min. in 1:48:01, for a 10:09 pace. -- Rob


Mike said...

Rob, I have a question. How did you get back to the Brookside Trail by running west from Ward Parkway? You're lucky you didn't end up in Lenexa!

I know, I know, the sun got to you again. Must have been that black hat.

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...


Nice writeup! I definitely enjoyed the outbound under the leafy treed streets. Glad I slowed down at mile 3, as I picked up at mile 5 and ran the second half more steady and a little faster. The heat sucks! -- Bill