Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's gotten almost impossible

I was figuring on just a short, easy run again today, mostly because my Achilles tendon is sore. It was 80 when I stepped out the front door, and the humidity was way up. I was struck by the fact that even a gulp of air was warm.
I walked for a quarter of a mile to warm up my sore tendon, then took off at a slow pace. It was really not a good day for a run. I don't really mind heat, but it's very uncomfortable when the humidity is so high nothing evaporates from your skin. That evaporation is what keeps you cool. I was happy to be getting a run in, but just as happy that it was going to be short.
I was aiming for 4 miles, but went out a little farther than 2 thinking I would come back a shorter way. I misjudged the distance, though, and wound up with 4.6, averaging 9.28.
When I got home I ate breakfast and then mowed the lawn, and as far as I'm concerned, that can be it for outside activities for the rest of the day. -- Rob

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