Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bittersweet Run!

What started out to be a solid ten miler ended up being a good 6 miler and a spasmodic remaining 2.5-3 miles. I was not able to document splits or exact total mileage, due to my watch not being charged up. Relying on Rob's watch worked out okay until I had to drop off the pace. Just was not feeling up to it today. About a block east of Ward Pky, on 75th St., I pretty much incurred a temporary bonk. I actually thought I was going to have to walk the remaining miles back to 55th st. I ended up walking to Wornall, but after crossing the street, I began to feel better and started to pick it up a little. I would estimate my last two miles at around a 10:00 to 10:30 pace, which is just fine.

Have no idea how next week is going to go after the knee surgery, but I'll get on my bike in a few days and hit the road running when I'm able. Kind of a downer right now worring about the procedure and the after effects. I suppose that's normal, but still.

I plan on making the MRC meeting Monday, but have to wait and see if I'll be up to it. If there is anyway possible I can be there, I will. Nothing like a nice mixture of pain pills and a good brew!......Mike

1 comment:

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...


I really enjoyed our start together Saturday and am glad I dropped back in mile 3. After mile 5, I actually gained strenght off that death walk I had going at mile 3, so my last half of the run was a little faster and more steady. I think the heat sucks! -- Bill