Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm Beginning to Dislike the Treadmill

Went in for a lunchtime run on the treadmill yesterday and promptly pulled my right groin muscle 0.8 miles in. Sharp pain off what I would assume was a mis-step. Had to quit the treadmill and do an ellipical workout instead. Today, I ran easy on the indoor track at Fitness Plus and made it 1.1 miles before my groin injury flared up. So I walked as fast as I could to 3 miles. This sucks! Any suggestions for groin pulls? -- Bill


Mike said...


Between you, Rob and I, we are a real mess, are we not? Hopefully, we can turn all this bad stuff around in time for Dallas, although I'm really, really iffy at this point.

Rob said...

I would suggest TJ Hackler, chiropractor and physical therapist to KU and the Chiefs. Mike and I have both used him.

Anonymous said...

Is this is a "job" for Lucy?