Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Toughest Run So Far.

I thought I'd tackle a super tough 8 miler today. Got started around noon or so and the heat and humidity was not favorable. This course is either steep uphills or steep downhills with little or not flats of any length. Since I'm favoring the left knee my downhills were as slow as my uphills and it was all I could do to maintain a high 12 minute pace for the entire run. As it turned out, the course was only 7.72 miles and I walked the first and last half mile again. I was also forced to walk quite a bit of mile seven due to the uphills, heat and humidity finally taking it's toll on this old body! Not too many years ago, this would have bothered me, but as stated in a previous blog entry, I'm just glad to be out there.

It may have been unwise for me to even select this course since I'm have a knee problem, and it showed up around the six mile mark. The pain wasn't so much that it forced me to stop and walk, but it sure got my attention. No matter, I got a good workout in and I plan to run an easy four tomorrow, rest Friday, and join my pals on Saturday for my last long run before the knee surgery.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the surgery, but can't say I'm not either. That makes perfect sense to those runners reading this. It does, however, come at a good time. I'll have plenty of time to heal and even get some bike mileage in while still in the healing phase, and I'll still have over four months to prepare for Dallas.........Mike

1 comment:

The Men's Running Club of Kansas City said...

Mike -- You make me feel better about my horrible outing yesterday. That heat, humidity, and air quality was horrible! -- Bill