Sunday, July 31, 2011


I didn't get out for my run until about 10:15 this morning, and that was about 2 hours too late. It was 90 by the time I headed out for a short, easy run. I don't want this to sound harder than it was. It was doable, but it wasn't exactly easy.
I tried to stick to the shaded areas, but some of the run necessarily had to be in the sun, and it was brutal. About a mile out I passed another runner who was sitting in the shade right on the trail. I asked on my way past if she was OK, and she said she was, so I ran on. I knew what she was doing and it reminded me to really take it easy. I ran slowly and walked often.
I wanted to run 4 miles, with anything more a bonus. By the time I hit the four mile mark, I was still about three-fourths of a mile from home, so I ran in the shady spots and walked the rest. My final total was 4.7 miles in 45:33, which is a 9:41 pace.
I ate a lot of ice cold watermelon when I got home. -- Rob

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