Tuesday, August 16, 2011


My knee was feeling just great, even after an eleven mile bike ride on Saturday and a 30 mile ride on Sunday. I rested Monday and the knee was not of any concern at all.

I was trying to make up my mind on where to ride and how far, but my decision was delayed by the weather. I just didn't know what it was going to do. So, I took a chance and decided to do some walking and, if I felt like jogging (hate that damn word), I would give it a go.

I walked the first mile in 18:18 and slowly ran the second mile in 13:22. I walked the third mile in 18:46 for a total of 50:26. The great news is I'm sitting here in front of this computer and my knee feels just as good as it did when I started! Very encouraged, but I know better now, that I shouldn't push it.

My plan is to run and bike tomorrow, perhaps a twenty mile ride and a 4 mile run. I'll utilize the same plan as today, walking the first mile and running/jogging miles two and three, then walking the last mile. If all goes well, I'll step it up to waking a half mile and running three miles.

We'll see!............Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...

You ARE a stud! Rob is wrong! Welcome back! -- Bill