Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Little Scare, but All is Cool!

After my encouraging three miler on Sunday, I made the mistake of going hiking with the two youngest grandsons. We hiked the nature trail in Parkville which is full of slanted hills, slippery slopes and slimy rocks! I fell twice, but didn't hurt anything. However, when I got back home my knee was dealing me fits. I hit the Ibuprofen and ice and stayed in the recliner for the rest of the day. I would have done that anyway, but the knee gave me some credibility.

At any rate, yesterday was a rest day for certain. The knee ached all day and I was pretty POed about having to lay off a day when I wanted to at least get in a bike ride. However, this morning the knee seemed to be okay and I decided to up the mileage a little just to test it.

I walked half of the first mile and finished it in 15:05. The following 5 miles were 11:01, 10:15, 9:56, 9:38, and 9:38. I don't remember ever running the exact time in back to back miles. Kind of interesting. Tomorrow will be a biking day...............Mike

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