Monday, August 15, 2011

Pushing a little

Nice, cool day today, so even though I technically wasn't scheduled to run I did anyway. I'll just move my schedule around the rest of the week to compensate.
I didn't get going until about 7:15, and by that time the temperature was down in the lower 70s. I decided to go 6 miles, and because of the temperature I pegged it as a tempo run. I felt good because I had had a very easy and short run on Sunday.
I opened with a 9:18 mile, then went 8:52, 8:47, 8:40, 8:21 and 8:27. The last .2 was done in 1:38 (an 8:13 pace, for what it's worth). So, I definitely got a tempo run out of it, averaging 8:43 for the 10k. -- Rob

1 comment:

Bill said...

Rob -- great progression on your splits for that tempo run! Well done! -- Bill