Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Feel-good run

Great to get out and run  a decent distance and not really have to worry about heat stroke. It had been a busy and frustrating day at work, and I'd been looking forward to my run all day. I needed the therapy. The temp was a couple degrees under 80 as I started out. I didn't even feel the need to take any water along.

I started with a quarter-mile walk, then took off at comfortable pace. My goal, honestly, was a tempo run, but I didn't want to overdo it, especially early. Conditions were favorable to push it a little, and I did, but I was able to avoid oxygen debt. I never checked my pace during my run, but the stats afterward showed I opened with a 9 min. mile and speeded up each mile thereafter. I did 6.3 miles in 54:34, an 8:40 overall pace.
It's gratifying to know that those hot-weather grinders actually do some good. -- Rob

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