Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bicycling To Work

This week has started out well for me. On Monday, ran 3.5 miles easy over a hilly course from home in the evening -- nice that it was cool enough to do so. Yesterday, I cross trained by riding my bicycle to/from work. Took off at 6:35 am and reached my office 46 minutes later for an average 14.0 MPH over the 11.5 route. It's a very pretty morning ride -- 6 of the miles are 2-lane country roads and the rest is on very wide laned suburban streets. Cleaned up at work then took my morning coffee, as the Brits say, on our outside terrace which is just gorgeous in the quiet morning. Normally, I have a headwind for my ride home, but yesterday gave me a tailwind (tailwind!) so I set a record for me of 16.1 MPH on the return. All in all, I wonder why I don't do this more often! For now, I'm aiming for 2 rides a week on my cross-training days coupled with a weekend ride. Target is 4 runs and 2-3 bike rides on the weeks I don't travel.

Life is sweet out on the terrace in the morning hours! -- Bill

1 comment:

Rob said...

Sounds great. I wish I could ride to work, but there are too many rivers and freeways in the way.