Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time To Work on the Biking Mileage!

Well, since the running is pretty much down the tubes, I've decided now is a good time to start building my cycling mileage in preparation for the Hilly Hundred in Oct.

Rode with Rob for 30 miles on the Smithville Trail. The first third of the ride was pretty comfortable with a lot of shade and a wise and reasonable pace. The back two thirds of the ride was much warmer with more sun than shade. We pretty much pushed the back two thirds and made it a good workout. I can't tell you how much this workout meant to me psychologically. I've been pretty bummed out with regards to my running comeback and the ride last week plus the one today gave me a sense of accomplishing something. The best part was there was absolutely no pain in my knee. My ass hurt, but no knee pain.

Looks like a number of us are going to sign up for the Summer Breeze ride with the Kansas City Bicycle Club on August 28th. The timing should be just right for a 45 mile ride. We'll begin working on longer mileage in September..........Mike

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