Thursday, August 4, 2011

Taking advantage of the break in the weather

This little break in the weather has been great for outdoor exercising. I still wait until the sun gets low on the horizon before I go out, but running at 84 or 85 with no direct sun is significantly more comfortable than the same temperature WITH direct sun. Much less 90 or 95 with direct sun.
I went out without a clear idea how far I wanted to go. No less than 3, and maybe as much as 7. The relatively moderate temperature allowed for a longer run. My splits after the first mile were pretty consistently in the 9:10 to 9:25 range, and I never felt like I needed to walk to conserve energy. I even drank on the run.
Final mileage was 7.1 in 1:06:24, for a 9:22 pace. -- Rob

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