Saturday, August 27, 2011

Who gets up this early on a Saturday?

Got up REAL early this morning, thanks to the cat, which woke up hackin' at 4 a.m. I hustled her onto the tile floor and stayed awake to see if I had to clean anything up. Nope, thank you. I laid awake for half a hour, then decided to get up, get dressed, and head out. I took my time, but was running by 5:15.
This was a 12 mile "long" run, so nice and easy was the rule. I ran at about a 10:04 min. pace for the first half and about 9:22 for the second half. I walked frequently, but not quite every mile. The temp was about 70, so not hot, but not really cool, either.
The run ended a low-mileage week at 21.8 miles. - Rob

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