Thursday, September 15, 2011

bike rides to and from work 21 miles total

My schedule worked out so I rode my bike today, the coldest day of the summer! I dressed for it and enjoyed my two rides. The trail was closed and I got mixed up so I rode a little extra both times. My hand is still numb, but it does not seem to get too much worse.

I did achieve something today. I was honked at! I delayed a car from getting on the entrance ramp. Oh well. I was doing the right thing -- switching lanes to get out of the exit only lane. Let them wait.


Mike said...

Way to go, Mitchell!

Bill said...

Mitchell -- that is so cool! Well done! I can't believe how many trail miles you have on that commute! -- Bill

Unknown said...

actually it should be less I took a trail but needed to circle back b/c the trail was closed.