Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Different type of workout

My friend Bill B. and I spent 6 hours hiking and climbing up a mountain Tuesday, about two-thirds of the time spent on the climb. let me tell you, this was work.We  started at about  10,000 feet and climbed to 12,000.  The last hour of the climb was about as verticle as you would want to attempt without real climbing gear.  i had my Garmin and was keeping track of our elevation. Once we got over 11,000 feet, we found we had to rest after about every 50 feet of climb. I worked so hard climbing that  a time or two I found myself standing on the side of the mountain with my legs shaking from exertion. It would have been a long way down  if I would have gotten any shakier and fallen.    On the way up we got a close up look at a cool waterfall, and at the top there was a lake with mountains rising on three sides.  Cold and windy up there.  The descent was far easier but we were pretty beat when it was over.  In terms of effort, the climb felt like a 14 mile run to me. I counted it as a marathon training workout. -- Rob


Mike said...

I hope you took some photos while you were at the top! If so, you should have included them with your blog.

Sounds like the trip up was worth the effort.

Bill said...

Rob -- send pictures! Sounds like a blast! I love spending a day climbing up and down a mountain. --Bill