Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer Breeze Bike Ride

I had a great ride. It was hillier than I thought, but good training for me. I was overall pleased with my ride. I needed to slow down for the last 5 miles or so. But I was happy with my performance.

I did get a troublesome injury -- cyclist palsy or handlebar palsy in my right hand. My pinky and ring finger have been numb since the ride. It's related to the ulnar nerve. I'm seeing someone in a few days, Inside Sports Clinic. I hope I can get back to riding soon. I'll also be going to a bike shop to see if my bike needs to be adjusted so I'm in a better riding position.

1 comment:

Bill said...


Great blog entries! I enjoyed Summer Breeze a lot and was glad we all went to it. Regarding the hand thing: on my ride across the country in 1976, we rode mostly hills and mountains till we hit Kansas (we were riding east to west)....at which point all our hands went numb! We all went to the hardware store and put 2 in foam around our handlebars and more frequently rotated our hand positions on the (drop down) handle bars. The numbness went away.
It will be interesting to see how long this issue hangs with you and if rotating different grips on your handlebar helps change things up for you as you ride.
-- Bill