Saturday, September 24, 2011

Slugged it Out!

Ran my 12 miler today with the usual first half mile at a brisk walking pace. Jogged the second half mile and began slowly, and I mean slowly, picking up the pace each mile. Nothing special, the miles splits are about what I've been doing with an average of 10:52 over all with the fastest mile of only 9:46. I did max out somewhere at 7:16.

The part I'm concerned with is my knee started giving me problems here and there and was fairly painful after the run. I iced the knee after the run, but when I got up to take the dogs for their walk, I was limping. Maybe need to back off a bit for a few days and hit the bike. Looking back over this week I logged a total of 38 miles with the 18 miler and the 12 miler in a six day period.

Rest tomorrow and maybe a bike ride on Monday......Mike

1 comment:

Bill said...


Sounds like you just logged too many miles too fast. Hopefully, you can take a rest day or two and bounce back! You might dial up the bicycling miles and down the running miles till your knee feels better. -- Bill