Thursday, September 8, 2011

What to do, what to do?

Since I'm not on a particular schedule and I'm going through this one day good, one day bad, and one day of WTF, I've finally settled on the fact that I just can't adhere to a schedule more than a day ahead. I felt so good after Monday's 12 miler, albeit slow, that I was sure I was back on track to up the mileage and intensity. Wrong! Tuesday's MRC run was interrupted by a slight food poisoning experience left over from Monday evening. I still got in right at 3 miles so I'll call that good under the circumstances!

Didn't do anything yesterday except prepare the house for more painting, besides my knee was flaring up again, but nothing serious. Wasn't sure what to do today, but I got in a slow four miler. My plan is to ride the bike tomorrow morning for around 36 miles, rest on Saturday and try to run a 14 miler early Sunday morning. We'll see. If those two outings go well, and I don't have any trouble with the knee, then I'll feel a lot more confident regarding Dallas.....Mike

P.S. I'm beginning to think getting up and down that ladder doesn't my knee any good!

P.P.S. You guys are the very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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